Support SJV
Your donation allows us to continue to provide an excellent Catholic education to our students. You can select from making a one-time donation or sign up for recurring donations. Every gift, big or small, is greatly appreciated.
(Parent Teacher Organization)
Your involvement in the PTO makes a significant difference in our school's success. Together, we can create meaningful experiences and enriching opportunities for our students, making St. John Vianney Catholic School an even more exceptional place to learn and grow.
Annual Giving
Like many other academic and religious organizations, SJV’s Annual Giving Campaign finances strategic projects and ensures a positive financial future for the school.
Planned Giving
Planned gifts allow individuals to make a gift in the present which will be received by St. John Vianney Church or School at a later date. These gifts ensure the mission of St. John Vianney Church and School will continue into the future.
We would love to hear from our alumni! Read about some of our alums by clicking learn more and be sure to provide us with your information to stay connected! Have a picture you want us to include? Email it with a brief description to: arivera@sjvs.org