A Letter From Our Principal
Dear Parents, Friends, and Alumni of St. John Vianney Catholic School,
Catholic Education is a commitment to academic excellence and a faith-filled supportive environment. My goal is to build on the success of St. John Vianney; spiritually and academically.
Our goal to emphasize Faith at St. John Vianney Catholic School is the most important aspect of our school. Allowing children to accept their differences and treat each other as individual gifts from God. Without Faith, personal successes and achievements have little relevance. With it, you realize that your successes and achievements are not only for you, but for God and should be shared with others.
St. John Vianney’s dual language academic program has high standards and encourages children to reach their maximum potential and beyond, in preparation for life-long success. We encourage all faculty and staff to teach the individual child, while using best practices, updated resources and technology.
I am privileged and humbled to join St. John Vianney as Principal. I feel my role is to serve the community and provide an education that goes beyond the classroom by developing life-long learners and faith-filled followers of Christ in a dual-language enriching environment.
Our History
On January 25, 1962, St. John Vianney Catholic School opened with grades 1-4 under the leadership of Mrs. Marie Zinell and three laywomen. On August 24, 1963, the school moved into a new phase of its development under the leadership of the Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia. For over fifty years the school has undergone many changes to meet the spiritual and academic needs of its students in a diverse world.
Our Philosophy
St. John Vianney Catholic School, inspired by the pastoral, “To Teach as Jesus Did,” develops students into creative, Christ-centered persons. We provide a Christian environment where the faith of our students becomes living, conscious and active. Our school affords the fullest and best opportunity to realize the three-fold purposes of a Christian education: to teach doctrine, to build Christian community, and to provide service to others.
Our Beliefs
Grounded in the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, the school strives to create an environment where students can grow academically, spiritually, and morally.
Through these beliefs, St. John Vianney Catholic School aims to provide an education that nourishes the mind, spirit, and character of its students, preparing them to become responsible citizens and compassionate individuals in the world.
Our Staff
The staff at St. John Vianney Catholic School is a dedicated and compassionate group of individuals who are committed to the school's mission and the success of its students. They bring a wealth of knowledge, expertise, and experience to their roles, creating a nurturing and supportive learning environment. Meet our dedicated and caring team of teachers, office staff, and administration.
Parish Clergy | Administration | Staff | Faculty | Middle School | Special Areas | Student Resources | Couselors | Classroom Aides | Liturgical Ministry | After School Program
Parish Clergy
Rev. Francisco J. Ojeda
Parochial Administrator
Rev. Plutarco “Jojo” Opinio
Parochial Vicar | Liturgical Coordinator
Ms. Del Orbe, Principal
Ms. Danisovszky, Vice Principal
Eileen Cooper, Finance Assist.
Angie Perez, Reception
Wildary Rivera, Admissions
Anicia Rodriguez, Finance
Adriana Rivera, Marketing & Development
Wilfredo Rodriguez, Facilities
Ron Thornton, Food Service
Ashley Anthony, Clinic
Johalys Morales, Cafeteria
Ms. Anderson, PK3
Mrs. Myers, PK4-A
SJVS Alumni
Mrs. Gonzalez, PK4-B
Ms. Marquina, KA
Ms. Kim, KB
Ms. Fernandez, 1A
Ms. Gomez, 1B
Sra. Santiago, 2A
Mrs. La Madrid, 2B
Mrs. Rosa, 3A
Ms. Curi, 3B
Ms. Santiago, 4A
Ms. Baker, 4B
Ms. Muñiz, 5A
Ms. Exius 5B
Ms. Leyva, 6A
Mrs. Leatherman, 6B
Jr. High
Ms. Martin, Spanish
Mrs. DeVito, Science
Ms. Diaz, Math
Ms. Wahba, ELA
Ms. Castillo, Religion
Ms. Danisovszky, Social Studies
Special Areas
Mr. Hudson, Music
Ms. Mesa, Art
Mrs. Morrison, Athletic Dir./P.E.
Mr. Raymond, P.E.
Ms. Williams, Drama
Student Resources
Mrs. Orizondo, Resource Teacher
Mrs. Mayorquin,
Dual Language Instructional Coach
Ms. Collado,
School Counselor
Classroom Aides
Ms. Agudelo
Ms. Barghausen
Mrs. Bergdoll
Ms. Gonzalez
Mrs. Guerrier
Ms. Jimenez
Ms. Virginio
Ms. Tusa Ducas
Ms. Gonzalez
Ms. Hernandez
Ms. Cruz
Ms. Sequera
Ms. Carvajal
Ms. Claros
Liturgical Ministry
Ms. Riney, Coordinator
Mr. Gutweniger, Choir
Ms. Corcoran, Choir
Alpha (After School Program)
Ms. Anthony
Director of ALPHA
Ms. Hernandez
Ms. Sutton
SJVS Alumni
Ms. Perez
SJVS Alumni
Protection of Children
St. John Vianney Catholic School considers the safety of our children to be of utmost concern. As an entity within the Diocese of Orlando, we follow all guidelines with respect to Safe Environment Training as required by the United States Catholic Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). All school personnel (teachers, administrators, staff) complete Safe Environment Training in addition to a Criminal Background/Fingerprint clearance.
In addition, as required by Florida Statutes Section 1006.061(1) and (2), we post notices that (1) all employees and agents of this school have an affirmative duty to report all actual or suspected cases of child abuse, abandonment or neglect and (2) the policies and procedures for reporting misconduct of instructional personnel, administrators and other staff.
Finally, all school personnel are required to be trained on the Ethics in Education Policies and Procedures Standards, including:
their affirmative duty to report all actual or suspected cases of child abuse, abandonment or neglect
their affirmative duty and legal responsibility to report abuse or professional misconduct affecting the health, safety, and welfare of a student, and
their immunity from civil liability when reporting such abuse in good faith.
A signed acknowledgment of such training is included in each personnel file.
School Employee Code of Ethics for Catholic Educators
Code of Ethics for Catholic Educators