Student Services

At St. John Vianney, we prioritize the holistic well-being of our students through comprehensive student services that cater to their needs both within and beyond the school day.

Before and After Care


ALPHA AM is safe, adult-supervised morning care available every day from 6:45 am -7:30 am in the Social Hall.  Registration is encouraged. There is no charge for Before School Care.


ALPHA PM  provides professional care, recreation, homework supervision, and enrichment activities every day from 3:00 – 6:00 pm.  It serves working families who desire additional care for students of St. John Vianney Catholic School.

Registration is required to participate in ALPHA PM. All families are encouraged to pre-register.

Special Note: Students must be supervised at all times. Therefore students not picked up by 3:15 pm will go to ALPHA PM to be supervised and billed accordingly.

Guidance Corner

Catalina Osorio  Guidance Counselor 

Adriana Collado  Guidance Counselor