Sacraments & Beliefs

Our Beliefs

  1. Each student is a unique child of God.

  2. Student learning is a priority in this school.

  3. A safe and comfortable learning environment promotes learning and success.

  4. A Catholic school reflects the integration of Catholic faith and values with learning and life.

  5. Pastors, principals, teachers, parents, advisory organizations, and members of the parish share the responsibility for the mission of the school.

  6. The opportunity for success is an important component of student learning.

  7. Students learn in a variety of ways.

  8. Catholic education is an integral part of the Church’s mission to proclaim the gospel message of Jesus, to build faith communities, to celebrate through worship, and to serve others without distinction.

  9. The school program reflects Christian values of social justice and peace.

  10. A healthy learning environment is everyone’s responsibility.


First Reconciliation / First Communion

Students receive sacramental preparation for First Reconciliation and First Communion during religion class at St. John Vianney Catholic School.

The Sacrament of First Communion is usually received in second grade. Students in first grade or younger are not eligible to receive their First Communion. Students in Grades 3 thru 8 who would like to celebrate their First Communion can register through St. John Vianney Catholic Church. The Faith Formation team will coordinate with the SJVS teacher to prepare those students for First Communion.


Eighth grade students receive sacramental preparation for Confirmation during religion class at St. John Vianney Catholic School.

Only SJV Catholic School eighth graders are eligible for Confirmation. Students who are not SJV parishioners may celebrate Confirmation at St. John Vianney with permission from their pastor (usually in the form of a letter).

Rite of Christian Initiation for Children (RCIC)

RCIC is available for students who are 7 or older and who have not received any sacraments in the Catholic Church. Students in this program will celebrate Baptism, Confirmation, and First Communion at the Easter Vigil. Families with students who are unbaptized and age 7 and older are invited to come to the church office to begin this process at the parish. RCIC will involve religion classes in the school and additional formation outside of school.

Baptism (children under 7 years old)

Any family with a child under 7 years old that would like to be baptized is invited to the parish office to begin the process. Preparation time can take a month or longer.

Baptismal Records & Materials Fees

A baptismal certificate will be needed for all students celebrating a sacrament unless they were baptized at St. John Vianney Catholic Church or if one is already on file.

The program for sacramental preparation incurs costs for materials, facilities, printing, and more. To help offset these costs, a materials fee is charged, as follows:

  • First Communion materials fee: $75.00

  • Confirmation materials fee: $75.00

Families can pay the materials fee in the Church office by cash, check, or card. Credit card payments cannot be taken over the phone.

The SJV Faith Formation team manages the sacramental preparation program, including rehearsals, paperwork, and certificates therefore, all families are asked to register their student(s) in the SJV Faith Formation program.